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I am in love with the history of art. I love to draw what I see, in black, white, and grays, but with contrasts of shine and matte. The reliefs of the materials, the textures given by encaustic painting and wood, are what truly express my inner world.

I process what my eyes see in a different way; I destroy it, divide it, disorganize it, and rebuild it with what I have around me to create my works.

I am in love with the history of art. I love to draw what I see, in black, white, and grays, but with contrasts of shine and matte. The reliefs of the materials, the textures given by encaustic painting and wood, are what truly express my inner world.

I process what my eyes see in a different way; I destroy it, divide it, disorganize it, and rebuild it with what I have around me to create my works.
