Whatever the choice of style, it is solely your prerogative. It doesn't matter whether it is fashionable now to decorate the bedroom with paintings of impressionism, abstraction, or cubism. The most important thing is that you should choose what you like visually. Perhaps the picture will have a personal meaning or evoke particular memories. The main thing is that when you look at a work of art, the image speaks to you, and not just decorates the room with a fashionable style or color.
Also, do not forget that the bedroom is a quiet and comfortable refuge where people prefer to rest after a hard day. That is why you better choose the picture that will enhance the feeling of comfort and tranquility. The sense of peace and happiness should not be too stimulating and exciting.
How to choose the right size of the picture
Sometimes choosing the right size of a work of art is more complicated than selecting the picture itself. A mistake in size can lead to the fact that the painting will not give the desired effect.
In this case, many designers give straightforward and practical advice: the bigger, the better. Besides, the large size of the picture can very often maximize the impact on visitors. As a result, you can achieve the desired effect.
Format selection
For quite some time, the gallery wall format reigned supreme in the interiors of many apartments. If you pay attention to the Instagram and Pinterest accounts, you can immediately find a vast number of beautiful images of living rooms, bedrooms and offices, where the walls are decorated in gallery format. If you want to use this option in your bedroom, then there are several tricks to creating a more exciting and attractive display:
- If you're going to get a sense of coherence, you can pick up bedroom paintings by the same artist or artwork made in one color palette. Uniformity can also be emphasized by selecting pictures in the same size.
- Choose significant works of art and arrange them as an exciting template. Today, you can find many online models that can inspire you to a genuinely non-standard idea.

Before making the final choice, you can attach paper templates to the wall and roughly imagine the layout of your future paintings. Only after this stage is it recommended to make holes in the walls and hang up a work of art.