The most common technological varieties of paints include acrylic and oil. What's the difference between acrylic and oil paints?
Acrylic paints differ from oil paints, primarily with the ability to dissolve in water. And this is their great advantage. Because you don't have to deal with the caustic odors of solvents that many are allergic to.
Acrylic has also the other strengths:
- do not burn out in the sun, do not yellow, and do not crack;
- environmentally friendly material, do not cause allergies;
- drying time is very quick;
- resistant to any physical and chemical effects;
- they can be applied with a brush, spatula, airbrush.

Oil paints are easy to work with and allow you to create many effects. Oil paint can be used for relief paintings, creating a solid surface and colors mix. Here the purity and brightness of the color palette are preserved.
The advantage of oil paints, is that paint dry slow and they are remaining wet on the canvas for some time. Drying oil can be processed and corrected. But that is why we have to leave all oil paintings for an extra two weeks, to prevent damage during transportation.
Quality oil paintings have always been valued and will be valued very expensively due to their durability. Such works will not change their appearance and will still be beautiful even after hundreds of years.
Oil painting gives freedom to professional artists, it reveals an infinite number of shades to convey individual, unique appearance. Different oil techniques allow you to convey the nature of the model and the state of the world.
Please, feel free to contact our design consultants to find perfect paint and technique for your artwork. We'll do our best to make it the greatest addition to your space!